6 productivity hacks to improve your life

4 min readNov 1, 2020

When I started in this world of social media and Streaming services, I didn`t knew how to avoid them and finally I just adapted to them, losing to much time in those services that wasted my time in tasks that don`t really matter to my personal development.

After too much trouble with my time and my results as a student and entrepreneur I accepted that my life needed a change to another approach or I was going to lose the opportunities that the future was going to give me. So, I started to investigate about some techniques to apply into my life to increase my levels of productivity at work. I started looking in youtube for some specialist in productivity to find some clues. But that was my first error, I started looking one or two videos, and finally I wasted an hour looking another type of videos recommended by the platform.

Finally, I started looking for those hacks on the internet, medium and books that gave me advice for the next productivity hacks that I apply in my daily life, and helped me to avoid distraction and being more productive:

· Download Forest App: This app helps me all day when I just wanted to avoid my smartphone and notifications. With a simple interface, you start by selecting a type of tree and then assign the amount of time that you want to be focused on your working tasks and to avoid those distractions. When you start, the tree that you had selected is going to flourish in the time that you set before. If you try to exit the app, you`re going to lose that tree and it will be at your main screen remembering that you had fail in the past avoiding distractions. This app is useful if you are obsessed with your phone and your social media, it will help you to avoid those distractions.

· Applying the Pareto law: This is a principle that explain that 80% of the outcome consequences come from the 20% of the causes. This applies to all subjects in life, the 80% most important parts of one book comes from the 20% of the pages. The 80% of the questions in a test comes from 20% of the subjects that a teacher explain in class. If you apply, this principle in your life, you will be more careful on selecting the real important tasks that causes the 80% of the result. If you select them good, your outcomes will be better and you have to work less of the time! My recommendation is to reflect in what you do (Work, studies, every other subject) and analyse which of your tasks are the most productive and which are the less, then you must try to do the most important to have the results that you really want to have.

o This principle will help you with your productivity because you`re going to be more aware in which activities are more important and to feel less exhausted when you`re doing them by eliminating those ones that aren`t useful to your purposes.

· Awaking earlier: As I told you in my first story, awaking earlier in the morning, helped me by completing all my tasks faster and having more time in the evening for the things I like most. Setting your alarm clock at 5 or 6 Am will help you to do all your tasks more easily because you`re less tired by doing your morning routine faster.

· Doing the most difficult tasks first: As in the Pareto principle, you must select which are the most difficult tasks, the more brain draining challenges in your work, and complete them earlier in the morning, because your brain will have more energy and you`re going to feel less tired when you complete them. If you left the most difficult tasks to the final of the day, your brain will be tired, and you`re not going to complete them with the best results.

· Apply the Warren Buffet`s 25/5 rule: We always tend to have a lot of goals in our minds, daily, weekly, monthly or life goals. This rule, created by the investor Warren Buffet explains that you must select the most important or the most urgent 5 goals of your most important 25. Then, you must work to accomplish those 5 goals and forget about the other 20. When you complete one of those 5 goals, you must select another goal and fulfil it. This approach will help you avoid multitasking, which is very problematic if you`re trying to do a good job. You must be focused on the most important things and try to accomplish them with excellence. Then you`ll have time to complete the less important goals.

· Use the Pomodoro technique: This technique is helpful when you are trying to do long tasks. It explains that you must work in intervals of 25 minutes with little breaks of 5 minutes to rest between them, when you complete 4 intervals of 25 minutes you may take a longer break between 10 to 15 minutes. This method will help you to maintain your levels of concentration when you`re doing the tasks and decrease your levels of tiredness with the 5 minutes of rest. Use a timer to measure those times and you will find that your productivity levels are going to increase.

All of those hacks can be applied to your own life and you will see the results immediately, I started by using them a long time ago and my productivity levels improve in a significant way and it gave me the chance to start writing in this platform, have the best grades at college and increasing my earnings at my company. So, what are you waiting to apply these hacks and improve your own life?




21. Venezuelan Student and Entrepreneur. Always looking for ways to improve my life quality, increase my finances and help everyone who need it.